2025 Open Weekends
Stroudwood Nursery, Stroudwood Lane
Lower Upham, Southampton
SO32 1HG
Why not come along to one of our open weekends, no need to book, on the UK’s largest carnivorous plant nursery ,always well worth a visit , not only will you find the largest selection of carnivorous plants in the UK but it’s good to see how we are growing the plants here on the nursery and meet up with other growers
Refreshments available. We will be open from 10am to 4pm each day
1st - 2nd March 10am to 4 pm - Our first open weekend of the year ! this early open weekend is the ideal time to buy temperate plants and compost
19th - 20th and 21st of April 3 day! 10am to 4 pm - Great time of year to see Sarracenia in full bloom , everything is really springing into to life at this time of year
24th - 25th and 26th of May 3 days! 10am to 4pm - The perfect time of year to see many of the plants at their best especially the Sarracenia , we will have a huge range available species and hybrids including some of the more unusual forms, as well as pots compost books and other sundry items. We are the highest awarded carnivorous plant nursery and holders of 23 consecutive Chelsea Gold medals so we know a thing or two about getting the plants to look their best at this time of year .
21st - 22nd June 10am to 4pm - Plants are all looking great at this time , Sarracenia will have coloured up a bit more , bog gardens will be at their best.
12th - 13th July 10am to 4pm The Sarracenia flavas and most of the hybrids will have coloured up nicely and the Nepenthes are looking great at this time of the year too. We will have a huge range of plants for sale and sundry items.
2nd - 3rd August 10am - 4pm Great time to visit the nursery over the holiday period, plenty of plants to see, plus you can usually count on the weather being good.
13th - 14th September 10am - 4pm Huge range of plants available for sale also the bog garden plants are usually at their best at this time of year
4th - 5th October 10am - 4pm You will be able to see the leucophylla and any of the hybrids with this species at their absolute best. This is a great time of year to compare your plants with ours as winter dormancy approaches its reassuring to see our plants will be dying back as well.
25th - 26th October 10am - 4pm End of season open weekend, we have added this late event as plants were looking so good at this time last year.
Flower Shows we will be attending in 2025
BBC Gardeners world Spring Fair Beaulieu 2nd to 4th May www.
RHS Malvern spring flower show 8th to 11th May www.rhsmalvernspring.co.uk
BBC Gardeners world live Live 12th to 15th June www.
RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 1st to 6th July www.rhs.org.uk
New Forest and Hampshire county show 29th to 31st July www.newforestshow.co.uk
RHS Wisley Flowers Show 2nd to 7th September www.rhs.org.uk
Malvern Autumn Show 26th - 28th September www.malvernautumn.co.uk