Next open weekend will be the 14TH AND 15TH September 2024 10am - 4pm all welcome no need to book

End of July Newsletter

End of July Newsletter

Our last open weekend on the 20th and 21st July turned out to be a very busy weekend. The weather was perfect, the friday before was a real scorcher with temperatures in the greenhouse up to 48 degrees, and to be honest I was a bit worried about going forward with the open weekend. But the temperature dropped providing perfect conditions. Fantastic turnout great to see so many of you and the plants were at their best too. This year has been a bit cooler overall, and plants have been a bit slower, but this has been great for these later open weekends, as sarracenia flava plants are still looking great, with only the oreophila looking a bit tired. This has also been great for the nepenthes which prefer a cooler overall summer temperature. Don't forget our next open weekend is on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of august - 3 days!

Greenhouse extension

We have been busy concreting the footpaths on the new greenhouse extension. This has been taking a bit longer than expected to be honest, but its very hard to find time during the busy growing season to get this done. Anyway nearly finished now, this was the main part to do, just a case of fitting in the benching now and the automatic roof ends.

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