This last week we have been exceptionally busy on the nursery. Thought we'd get the new concrete paths finished in the greenhouse, and around the sides of the building. Well the weather was good, but we weren't epecting this heatwave! It has just been so hot in the greenhouse, the only good thing is the concrete went off quickly. We all chipped in to get it done quickly - Fon, Ya, myself, and Ken and his brother. We laid 9 cubic metres altogether.
As soon as the concrete was hard we removed all the shuttering and started setting up the legs for our roller benching. All the legs are in place now.
Open weekend
Yesterday and today we have been busy getting ready for our upcoming open weekend. This will be on the 3rd 4th 5th of August on this upcoming Saturday Sunday and Monday. All the plants are looking absolutely superb and the weather forecast is perfect. We will be open 10 until 4, all welcome and there will be refreshments provided. Why not come along and look around the nursery to see how the plants are growing around here. We will also have some special offers at this open weekend - small nepenthes hybrid collection: 3 plants for £25, bails of pete 225 litres: £30 each, sarracenia hybrid collection: 3 plants for $25. That's all for now, hope to see you at the open weekend!